The Nightingales Nurses

We are a group of nurse activists who work to focus public attention on the behavior of the tobacco industry and its contribution to the preventable epidemic of tobacco-caused disease and death. The tobacco industry spends more than $1 million an HOUR to suggest that cigarette smoking is cool, glamorous, and fun. In contrast, we bear witness each day to the suffering and devastation wreaked by tobacco on our patients and their loved ones. It is not socially responsible for the tobacco industry to continue active marketing and promotion of these deadly products.

If you agree join us to take action against Big Tobacco.

Find out more about our nurses tobacco treatment campaign:  RN2Q1 Campaign

Download and share this flyer with your colleagues: RN2Q1

The tobacco industry regards nurses as formidable opponents. Since 2004, nurses have protested at tobacco company shareholder meetings to speak out for our patients, and to ask the industry to stop marketing products that cause millions worldwide to suffer and die.

Donate to the Nightingales cause and help nurses tell the truth about Big Tobacco