Take Action!

HELP SMOKERS QUIT Nightingales Nurses RN2Q1 Campaign.  Download a flyer.

Our goal: every year every nurse will help at least one person to quit tobacco.  

JOIN US TO PROTEST at Big Tobacco shareholder meetings. Tell Big Tobacco how many people you helped to quit, how many cigarettes were NOT smoked, and how much money the industry did NOT make as a result of your helping people to quit.

2011 was the Nightingales' 8th consecutive year of speaking out at Big Tobacco's shareholder meetings. Philip Morris International CEO claimed that it isn't hard to quit smoking in reply to the Nightingale nurse.

Read about attending the 2010 Philip Morris International shareholder meeting protest

A Nightingales Visit With Big Tobacco - read Janice Ross's account of protesting at Reynolds American International shareholder meeting in 2009.

Comments from Nightingales Nurses

PROTEST TO STOP TOBACCO ADVERTISING IN WOMEN'S MAGAZINES. If you see a tobacco advertisement write to the magazine and ask them to stop promoting a product that kills half of all its users.

Glamour magazine claims to be deeply commited to women's wellbeing, yet it contains tobacco advertisements. Please join the Nightingales nurses and BOYCOTT GLAMOUR, until they stop advertising tobacco.

CONDUCT A PUBLIC READING of letters from the industry's secret files, all sent to tobacco companies from dying customers and their grieving families. These letters provide powerful testimony from smokers themselves to build support for strong tobacco control policies and bring pressure on the tobacco industry.
See letters and secret documents.

Please follow this link to download the "Voices of Americans"PowerPoint slide show and talking points  (important: click and hold, then 'save to disk').

BUY A SHARE of tobacco company stock and WRITE A SHAREHOLDER LETTER to the company as a concerned shareholder. For a low-cost way to buy one share, see www.sharebuilder.com, contact your stockbroker, or contact us. Please let us know if you buy a share. See sample shareholder letter.

SEND A LETTER TO BIG TOBACCO as a member of the public, tell them what real social responsibility means. See sample letter.

SEND A LETTER TO YOUR NEWSPAPER. If you see a story about tobacco, or hear about Altria funding some good cause, write a letter and challenge the company to demonstrate genuine social responsibility by ending marketing of these deadly products. Use our sample letter and add your own perspective and reference to a local story or event. Keep it short and pithy for the best chance of publication. Please let us know if you have a letter published . See sample letter.

ENCOURAGE YOUR PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION to endorse the Nightingales Campaign.

ENCOURAGE ORGANIZATIONS TO CONSIDER THE TRUE COST OF ACCEPTING FUNDING FROM TOBACCO COMPANIES If you are a member of a group considering acceptance of such a contribution, you can highlight the ways this buys legitimacy for the industry—and often silence—on tobacco issues from the groups who become hooked on tobacco money.